Drive by shootings in cars

instead of  on horses; that’s the main difference in orlando and the wild west. earlier today they shot at a halfway house , for federal inmates who had 6 months to a year left on their sentences,hit a worker inside, then set their car on fire.

doreen dufresne tried to hire someone to kill her husband. yesterday it was  said her first husband killed himself.then they reported he killed himself by taking antifreeze slowly over time. now police are going to investigate the first husband’s death. today, they report the ME said no the case is closed, unless someone asks them to reopen…has anyone ever in the history of the world killed themself slowly by drinking antifreeze over time, slowly torturing  themself ?hello, she just tried to kill this husband.

poor casey anthony must feel so left out of the news,with all of these new murder cases every day she decided to announce she wants to be baptised. that got her a 7 second mention on tv.

when you sign the petition to arrest zimmerman , it says trayvon martin  once saved his father’s life.zimmerman and his family are in hiding as he has had many death threats. now, everyone is screaming to take his gun away.

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